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Instead, we’ve pulled another linguistic switcharoo. The word”compassion” now means”sympathy” so that empathizing means adopting the Animal Crossing Items proper story depending on the mob’s emotional appeal.

I am really really really none of these conspiracy nut jobs but this needs to be some kind of concerted effort from the people who gain most from us maybe not being better to one another.

Like we spent decades trying to only understand and accept each other as fellow human beings, the LGBT movement has been launched and focused solely on making it known that they are like everyone else and deserve the same rights, they just wanted to be seen as regular people who happen to also be gay. The same thing happened with the Civil rights movement. We aren’t distinct because of our skin colour so treat us as humans has become give me particular status… now suddenly everything is appropriation, everything isn’t any I’m unique because of X thing about myself which is immutable and I did absolutely nothing to make respect but you’ll respect me for this anyway.

I think about it like we had been all a scattered deck of cards and once we finally got the pile together and all of the hearts/diamonds/spades/clovers back together so we could serve as a whole… somebody fucking came together and decided to play 52 card pick up.

God I hate the entire world lol. These people have actually grown up being told that they are right by their circles on the internet too and just Begin to embody it real people in tasks today and when the real world doesn’t match their Twitter bubble they freak the fuck out

There is a quotation a like but I don’t recall who said it or when unfortunately and it goes something like”it is easier to convince a man he’s being fooled then it’s to convince him he is the idiot” and I think it’s really applicable here

Basically there’s a demographic of people that are angry and perhaps even rather intelligent (but very unwise) who when confronted by the truth of their mistakes and failures rather decide that it is reality that’s incorrect. Ego is a hell of a drug.Mark twain stated”its easier to fool a guy than to convince him he has been fooled.” Not sure if that’s what you are referring to. In any event it truly is crazy the lengths people will visit rather than own up into some mistake.

One of my favourite fucking things is that body positivity has been appropriated by fat people who don’t need to confront the truth and shed the weight, rather than being used to help people with lost limbs, surgical scars, and skin conditions.Or even: be positive about your fat body. I don’t fucking care. It’s probably a more enjoyable way to live than being negative and fat about it and equally not doing something about it (ie. What I’m doing).

Just stop acting like it invalidates the overwhelming scientific consensus about the cheap Animal Crossing Bells correlation between obesity and many health problems. Makes you sound as bad as climate change deniers and flat earthers.My favourite part is when they bully individuals which have the audacity to discuss their health, or any form of exercise. Apparently it’s fatphobic to post about jogging when fat men and women exist…


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