
Get FREE access to thousands of self-grading past questions on your mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop.

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Review your quiz results and see how your performance compares to the overall average.

Identify the gaps in your knowledge, as you review your performance in the various subject areas.

Not in the mood to sign-up and log in? Just dive in. Take the demo tests (no login required) to warm up and get your energy flowing, and then sign-up and take as many practice tests as you can. It is recommended that you test yourself frequently.

“Frequent testing encourages students to study. Having frequent quizzes and tests motivates study and reduces procrastination.”

– Ten Benefits of Testing and Their Applications to Educational Practice.

(L. Roediger III et al)

Benefits for Parents and Teachers

Parents and teachers are encouraged to sign up, log in and become ‘friends’ with learners so they can monitor their performance and coach them in the right direction. Teachers can create groups for learners and monitor each learner from the group dashboard.

Our Partners

The FREE practise test is brought to you through the generous support of the following entities: