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It’s funny that they cleaned it up a little and got rid of the majority of basic game sludge. Personally, I don’t mind the WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold game at all. I used to play it frequently. But I don’t have time to play with my pals for a while.

Teleporting across the map is likely longer-lasting than fighting from 1-50. Although the story’s not any less bad, but the only thing you’re doing is selecting the quest’s location, and then teleporting, what’s the point. There were certain missions in the old WoW which required the player to travel back and between the maps. Can you think of the entire WoW story that takes you from stranglehorn all the way to the south shore in every level for 50? You have 2 buttons that let you begin a massive GCD once you are finally in combat.

Both games have flaws, I’m certain. FF14 is more narrative-driven, which means that the 1-50 grind could be a bit challenging to grasp (although you can purchase level boosts and other goodies the same way as WoW). The pre-cleansing of existing game content was an honest-to-god chore and the reason I could make it through before was all those who said it could in fact get better, way better, just keep going. WoW didn’t have to really do that and could really reduce their vanilla gameplay as the basis for the story was already laid in the Warcraft series. Having a vanilla story doesn’t really amount to much to the game’s future.

It wasn’t just about a few buttons sporting long GCDs. FF14 also had to evolve its base gameplay in the same way as WoW. There’s always something for each level. Shit, my white mage has like 5-6 bars fully set up and I’m using 90% of the shit on. Their level squashes aren’t like WoW’s earlier ones. It means that players must use similar skills when leveling up. This isn’t a major issue. The sole real and unavoidable gripe about the game me is PVP. I’m not able to wrap my mind over the mess that is PVP.

The players must understand that they’re separate games that can do various things effectively. I would rather play FF14 over FF13 over the long run because of the stronger community and the story, as well as the fact that it’s actually enjoyable once you’ve started exploring the expansions. JRPGs are always a favourite of mine , and this one hits the mark so hard that I regret not getting into it earlier. WoW’s popularity has grown steadily from the an early version of vanilla, until the recent years. It’s easy to pick up and play and will never fail to hit all nostalgia buttons for cheap WOW TBC Gold me. However, the story is usually funny and occasionally I’m looking for a bit more than 10+ years old graphics. There are also it’s the most obvious, boring time-gating.


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