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Tanking gives you more power in group competition and the ability to acquire the Wow TBC gold items you desire. Even if your raid dps isn’t great. My main role is as a lock and yes, I can hit 1500 DPS. My other ret pally also has 800+ dps in trash , and 1k+ for bosses. I obtained all the gear I needed for ret on the pally by healing and tanking whenever it was needed and eventually, I could get dps gear by running with classes with higher geared that would be competing with me or simply excluding them from the competition.

Do you mean raids or heroics? If that guy was talking about rogues getting the most value from CC and aiding with off-healing it is likely that he was referring to heroics. This is because the average dps is lower, even without consumables or buffs for raids.

In heroics, it’s really dependent on larger packs. Locks can be seeded, which makes dps to a higher. Only one target on my lock i can still do 1500 on bosses because the tank can withstand threats that there’s a Shaman and mechanics cannot stop it.

Yes, if you have a tank that is well-equipped and a lock with large pulls, then every member of your group can be an effective carry for bosses aside from you. Smoke hunters, mages and even smoke hunters can be used, unless they are very weak in health. The mage is also able to snipe prior to the seeds are released.

I’m not disputing that 500 dps for an individual boss isn’t much, but if you give a cat the same conditions (fast kill time, maximum buffs) they’ll get over 1k pretty easily If they’ve got some gear.

As a feral tank, I’m on the average of 400-500 DPS. With the dorky level 40 hat, you’ll have a more powerful cat appearance. If not, then if the other person said is true, and you should simply tank.

Feral tanks are able to swap DPS to item rack and tanks can swap DPS to item racks and DPS cats can use it with ease. The difference in talent between tank and the most effective DPS cat is only two or three points. There is no need to be focused on the feral DPS.

It’s true, there is extra utility to bring. And personally I’m pretty laid back and wouldn’t care at all whether you’re playing at 500-600 DPS when you’re grouped with me. I’m only pointing out that tanking has a major benefit.

My problem is that I can’t do my entire rotation on certain mobs due to buy WOW TBC Classic Gold the hunter/mage/lock cleaving all ….. In raids, my overall dps is substantially higher. still not as high as pure dps, of course, but definitely not at the same level as in dungeons.


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