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Should I quest my defense XP? I have learned to RS gold do that, not sure why. Is my stats over the best possible, or is there better? What is the CHEAPEST way to receive 74 pray? I presume routine bones on a guilded altar, although slow. What would be the best bow to use? Anything else I should know?

Since being hacked, I only have 10 m cash left. I’ve been working on making money, but’m attempting to focus on faculty, so RS will be at the end of my priorities. Which do you believe I need to proceed with, and why? I do have 99 cons, and a steel monster in my dungeon, so I could control the shield.

If you are likely to slay, you don’t need def, simply pray: Prossy pl8 and thighs for prayer bonus, pray protect melee/(mage/range based on task). Glory is preferred if you can’t be effed to devote 9m within an amulet. Fury has very good defence stats for an ammy. . Along with better stats than glory. . A lot of sals state fury is essential, but attractiveness is almost just as good.

Dragon defender over dfs cuz of all atk bonuses. Considering that ur low on money expl ringzerker, since the pray bonus reduces the amount of ppots used. . Torags have nearly 2 times longer defence (Iirc, its the very best defence armour in game). . Finest part? Its frikkin sexy! If you spend 9m to fix torags, u can use them both for a total of 843.75 hrs. (over enuff time to max melee and max slayer)… Thats almost the best shizzle ur gonna get. . I really don’t see why you do not want to use them. If you don’t care about looks then you (really are a sad homo) can get Veracs skirt to proceed with torags body. . Same def bonus as torags legs, albeit more expensive and contains prayer bonus, so u can use it to get slayer when u dont need to plead protect prayers. Dfs is just useful for cheap OSRS gold tanking supervisors or in pvp actions, as drag def is a lot better due to the epic atk bonuses.


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